Investment Theses

These shifts are reshaping how we live, work, eat. They are transforming our relationships with each other and the planet. We envision a better future where profit and purpose are aligned. We are here to shape the following categories.

Energy Transformation


Energy transformation is happening rapidly worldwide, yet not quickly enough. We see a strong future in renewable energy with low-carbon fuels and better carbon removal technologies that will spur innovation and growth while reducing environmental impact.

Health Transformation


Health costs continue to rise, yet healthcare is ripe for disruption and innovation. We are particularly interested in the shift to preventative and predictive healthcare along with healthier plant-based and cellular ag-based foods to improve health while reducing costs and environmental impact. AI-driven or web3-powered health tech is also a strong area of interest.

Agriculture Transformation


We see farming and land management as one of the best ways to combat climate change and feed an exploding population worldwide. We are interested in regenerative farming, carbon farming, and plant bio-manufacturing that increases the output and productivity of land while also delivering healthier, carbon-sequestering soil.

Economic Tranformation


We are deeply interested in new economic business models and designing economies around a business that capture or share value in ways that were not previously possible. We’re very intrigued by the monetization of externalities like carbon and the shift to an ownership economy in Web3 that leads to economic growth, accelerated sustainability, and a reduction in inequality.